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The Army Behind The Army


 The Salvation Army Advisory Board Is A Special Group Of Local Business, Community, And Civic Leaders Who Share Their Time, Talents, And Treasures To Help The Salvation Army Fight Poverty In Central Maryland. 

John “Jack” Moeller
(Board Chairman)
JMT Engineering

Brittany Arnold
Tegeler Construction Supply

Joshua Asbury
Merritt Properties
(Vice President Development)

Joshua Canzater
Toyota North America
(Supply/Demand Manager)

John Davis
High Gear Training

John Diehl
Southway Builders

Michael DiGiacomo
Governor’s Office for
Workforce Development
(Executive Director)

Rayschel Dorsey

David Ford

Doni Glover
Author, Radio Personality and Community Activist

Calvin L. Holmes
Kaiser Permanente
(Finance Manager)

Betsie Johnson
Salvation Army
Women’s Auxiliary President

Holly Kohr

Mark Kohr
Ward Boland
(Vice President)

William Miller
Vaughn Greene
(Director Business Development)

Elisabeth Hall

Tom Murray
Telecommunications Entrepreneur

Gregory K. Murrill
JMT Engineering
(Vice President)

Brian Parker

Dr. Tenyo Pearl, Phd

Shavez Rogers

Christina Sledge

Joe Soper




Lou Kousouris
Baltimore Orioles

Lois Rosenfield
National Federation of Jewish Women

Walter Schamu
SMG Architects