Feb 25, 2022

How one working class family, in Carroll County, found love above a meal

*Kim and her husband *Max are raising three young kids in a working class family.  They have been receiving service from Carroll County Service center since December of 2016. In July 2016, Max lost his job but has been lucky enough to secure another one, albeit the pay is less.

The new job paid less so they found themselves in need at Christmas time and only found out about Carroll County’s Angel Tree program through BERK (a local re-employment program). While at Carroll County Service Center, Max received a flier about their food pantry and mobile pantry program.

Beginning in February of 2017, the family came out every month to receive fresh produce and meat at the mobile pantry. Sometimes, Kim and Max had to use their regular pantry when money was short.

The family lived paycheck to paycheck, after all.

 Then at Carroll County’s April 2017 mobile pantry, they received a flier about Brass Hat Café, which provides home made meals to working class families by dinner time. Since Kim and Max home school the children, they were not able to get free or reduced breakfast and lunch. Meaning, they needed to find a way to feed their kids three times a day, on their own.

At the same time, the Kim’s sister, Lynne,  and her two children needed a place to stay, so the Brass Hat Café took them in. They started coming to the Brass Hat Café every time it was open.  And they continue to come now. The Pandemic has been harshest to working class families and the homeless financially.  

Kim and Max’s family was present at the center’s Thanksgiving and Christmas Special Dinner events, and they all applied for The Angel Tree program, again, in 2017.

Kim said that she is very grateful for Carroll County Service Center’s programs because she isn’t sure what they would have done without them. and she is also using related tools and programs   as an educational tool for her children. She believes that when God closes a door, He opens a window.

Kim believes The Salvation Army Carroll County Service Center is their window. She told Andrea Gill, Case Manager at Carroll County Service Center, that she hopes they are here for a long time. She also hopes to pay it forward someday.  

*names changed due to anonymity

 There’s love beyond debt & There’s love beyond empty cupboards.
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