May 25, 2022

National Salvation Army Week is celebrated, globally, from May 9 until May 15 this year. The Salvation Army’s mission is to help people in need and this week spotlights their and their volunteer’s immense efforts with “Doing The Most Good.”

 In 1954, President Dwight. D. Eisenhower and the United States Congress deemed the week of November 18th until December 4th as the first National Salvation Army Week. Each year, National Salvation Army week serves as an opportunity to celebrate volunteers, donors and programs that have enabled The Army to serve those in need around the world for over 140 years. This week is commemorated immediately following Mother’s day in May. Here is what former President Eisenhower has to say about The Salvation Army and why it’s important to celebrate The Army for an entire week:

“Among Americans, The Salvation Army has long been a symbol of wholehearted dedication to the cause of human brotherhood. In time of war, the men and women of this organization have brought to those serving their country far from home, friendliness, and warm concern. In the quieter days of peace, their work has been a constant reminder to us all that each of us is neighbor and kin to all Americans. Giving freely of themselves, the men and women of The Salvation Army have won the respect of us all.”

Today, The Salvation Army is at work in 132 countries around the world, providing millions of meals, nights of shelter, food boxes, emotional and spiritual care to a wide range of folks. The Salvation Army is uniquely positioned to meet all human needs in Jesus’ name, without discrimination and with love above all else.

Locally, The Salvation Army in Central Maryland is hard at work, 365 days in the year helping people in great need. 

Did you know that The Salvation Army of Central Maryland has provided over 80,000 meals in 2021 through their Feedmore, Mobile Canteen, Brass Hat Café, and through their Corn Bread Café, Mobile Canteen? Did you also know that Catherine’s Cottage, an Anti-Human Trafficking safe house has provided a total of 1,445 nights of housing last year? The Salvation Army is also grateful for our 753 volunteers who served 23, 374 hours at our CSFP program, feeding the homeless, working at our service centers, ringing the bells at Christmas time and volunteers who assist with our Angel Tree services so children can have toys during the holidays.

In loving recognition of the people behind “The Army” we are spotlighting staff and volunteers during the week of May 9 through May 15, 2022. 


Majors Roger & DeeAnn Glick

Majors Roger and DeeAnn Glick, Area Commanders of The Salvation Army of Central Maryland

“We love The Salvation Army because we provide service for others from a place of love.

We don’t just serve meals, assist the unemployed and provide toys for kids during Christmas time. We serve people physically through our social services, emotionally through connecting and having conversation, and spiritually through prayer.

We’re actively trying to help people break out of cycles of poverty, isolation, and abuse through our acts of love,” said Majors Glick.


Mavis Cutler

Mavis Cutler, Administrative Assistant

“My journey with The Salvation Army began on June 21, 2007. What started as a job ended up being more fulfilling than working at a deli. At The Salvation Army, I’m helping people face-to-face feed their families with our pantry assistance. I play a key role with our Women’s Auxiliary group with fundraising for our social services. And I have also made several lifelong friends here. The Salvation Army of Central Maryland has given me more purpose than a regular job,” said Mavis Cutler.

Samantha Bowman

Samantha Bowman, Special Events and Volunteer Coordinator

“At 6-years-old, I was first introduced to The Salvation Army by a close family friend. We both did Sunbeams, which is like girl’s scouts. I liked learning new skills and earning badges. I even learned how to play a timbrel from this experience. The Salvation Army also first introduced me to camp. I have fond memories of my time at Camp Tomahawk in 1976. At a talent show, I sang “Aint She Sweet” in a talent contest and won “Little Miss Tomahawk 1976.” At the current stage of my life, I am still serving The Salvation Army of Central Maryland as a Special Events and Volunteer Coordinator. I manage volunteer affairs and events all over Central Maryland. I find so much joy giving back what I learned with The Salvation Army.  In fact, we are currently running LifeSkills classes for our Angel Tree clients so they can all learn skills that will push them towards self-reliance and independence. What’s also interesting to note is that we were able to grow our volunteer base despite the pandemic. We went from having 243 volunteers in 2020, post-pandemic, to having close to 500 volunteers.  This  49% increase in our volunteer base has helped us provide more meals to seniors and has helped us provide more toys for children during Christmas time,” said Samantha Bowman.

Nina Christian

 Nina Christian, Director of Social Services

“I love what The Salvation Army stands for. I love first-hand seeing what we do for the community. Whether it's helping people in need, praying over a family, or directing a person towards living a self-sufficient lifestyle—The Salvation Army is here to be the next step in your life,” said Nina Christian.

William Boone

William Boone, Area Director of The Boys and Girls Club

"My journey with The Salvation Army started as a Branch Manager for The Boys and Girls Club. In between taking on several roles within The Army, I was later promoted to being The Area Director of The Boys and Girls Club of Central Maryland. In between this promotion, I expanded my leadership capabilities at The Carroll County Service Center.

The Salvation Army gives you opportunities to grow, be a go-getter, and make an impact in your local community,” said William Boone.


Sue Hunt

Sue Hunt, Director of Howard County Service Center

“I love working for a Christian organization whose mission is to serve people. Where else can I work where we raise money primarily to help people meet their needs in times of crisis. I also love the strong history of The Salvation Army of Central Maryland and I also love hearing stories straight from donors, clients and customers about their experience with how The Salvation Army blessed them in the past,” said Sue Hunt.

Dustin Pfeiffer

Dustin Pfeiffer, Salvationist and Administration

“The Salvation Army of Central Maryland is it has a wide range of programs to assist a large portion of Central Maryland who need social service assistance. He was born into The Salvation Army and it will always be a critical part of my life,” said Dustin Pfeiffer.

Suzi Fischer

Suzi Fischer, Volunteer

"I love The Salvation Army because they try to help people no matter who you are. If no other agency can help you, The Salvation Army will. The Salvation Army will help you no matter what walk of life you come from,” said Suzi Fischer.


Our team has also held 3 events that showcase the heart and soul of The Salvation Army: Our Volunteers


Nina Christian & Staff

May 9, 2022- All Staff Volunteer Day at CSFP Warehouse.

Nina Christian, our Director of Social Services, orchestrated our launch day for celebrating National Salvation Army Week. She invited our staff from Finance, Development, Communications,  Social Services, Boys and Girls Club, and IT to come out to the warehouse to pack 300+ grocery boxes to be delivered, by Meals on Wheels, to low-income seniors in need of food assistance. After our team packed groceries, we had a Pizza fellowship and talked about doing more good in Baltimore.

Bob Lucido Realtor Group

May 12, 2022- Volunteer Donut Social at CSFP Warehouse

Our Commodity Supplemental Food Program “Grab n’ Go Grocery” supplies between 2,200-2,800 grocery boxes to low-income seniors in Baltimore City and Baltimore County. What’s interesting about this program is that we have volunteers from various church groups, non-profits, corporations, and even families carving time out of their weekends to help the most vulnerable in our society.  In celebration of National Salvation Army week, Bob Lucido Realtor Group, came out to our CSFP warehouse to pack grocery boxes for seniors and enjoy a donut social with the team. Coincidentally, May 12th is annual Red Day, a holiday devoted to volunteering, that Bob Lucido Group celebrates each year. Bob Lucido Group selected The Salvation Army of Central Maryland as a non-profit to help because they Trust The Salvation Army and visibly see the “good” The Army does in the community.


1. Shannon, Bob Lucido Real Estate - "The Salvation Army is a great cause to give back too. Everything is good about The Salvation Army. No matter where they are, they always give back to local communities."

2. Michael, Bob Lucido Real Estate Group - "It's selfish benevolence. Giving back will always make you feel good. Anytime I needed help, people helped me. So pay it forward."

3. Holly, Real Estate Agent for #boblucidoteam (1st time Salvation Army Volunteer) - "I like that The Salvation Army is helping older people in the community with providing groceries. The Salvation Army is a well- known brand and has a great reputation for helping people. I am excited to work with my team today with this event."

4. Courtney, Marketing Coordinator for Bob Lucido Group (who was part of an impressive group of volunteers who packed 420 boxes in less than 3 hours) - "Every year, we celebrate #redday, by choosing a charity to volunteer for as a way to give back to the community. We chose The Salvation Army because they truly help people. We also think packing grocery boxes for seniors is a fun group activity to bring  our team together. I'm also excited about these donuts too."

Bob & Shannon




May 12, 2022- Volunteer Donut Social at Howard County Service Center

Our Howard County Service Center, which doubles as a boutique thrift store, has over 62 volunteers who volunteered 13, 436 hours in 2021. This team of volunteers organize clothes, furniture items, antiques, and who also assist with food pantry needs. In celebration of their hard work, The Salvation Army threw a donut social to honor and recognize each volunteer for going above and beyond.


1. Frances, The first face you will see at the Howard County Thrift store. Known as the smiley gatekeeper. Frances has been volunteering at the thrift store for over 6 years, and her role has transitioned from day care assistant to full time front door monitor. - "Before the pandemic, we had a childcare and I would watch kids over 3 years old. After the pandemic my role changed. I'm always at the front, kindly suggesting people wear a mask, issuing social services cards, and counting how many people are in the store. It's great working with The Salvation Army. We all support each other here. I enjoy the conversations I have with people. And many people who need help have traveled a far distance to get here. Our customers love coming here and, sometimes, brings us snacks to munch on during lunchtime. I also think we provide a great service to the community, and many people should support The Salvation Army because of that."

2. Clara, 88, from Howard County Service Center! She's been giving back to the community for over 43 years, and has volunteered at the thrift store for over 6 years. - "After losing my husband 50 years ago, I saved up my money and decided to volunteer full time. I lived in Maryland for 43 years, and I have been giving back ever since. I like to volunteer here because items get to be reused and not thrown away. I like how the thrift store is environmentally friendly. I also think people should volunteer because we all know it's the right thing to do. Anytime you visit the thrift store, you can always see me helping customers on the floor."

3. Julie has volunteered at The Howard County Thrift store (formerly Christian Service Center) for over 10 years. On a busy day, you can see her at 'Treasure Cove' selling high end antiques, crystal china or gold. - "I find volunteering rewarding. The Salvation Army has always been a part of my life. My father was in The Salvation Army band, and even played the trombone. It was 10 years ago, I volunteered here one day and never left."

4. Bonnie Clark, volunteer from Howard County Service Center - "I love being here and helping people"




The Salvation Army Band


May 21, 2022- The Salvation Army Band Performs at Baltimore Inner Harbor Amphitheater

The Salvation Army is famous for its marching band. Did you know that we locally have a Salvation Army Band located in Washington D.C? On May 21, 2022 The Salvation Army Band, which consists of 30-brass instrument players, led by Dr. Steve Kellner performed at The Baltimore Inner Harbor Amphitheater to a growing crowd on the hottest day of the year. This show by the water attracted many Baltimoreans to learn more about The Salvation Army’s youth music program.


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